Mr. Manish Sarda aged 46 years belongs to a business family which has been involved in the Steel Trade since last six decades.
Mr. Sarda holds a Master of Business Administration in International Business from Charles Stuart University, Australia by qualification and a is well-known Businessman by profession having rich and varied experience of 23 years in commissioning and running Industries in the field of Ferro Alloys, Steel and Power. In 2000 he joined the family business and is the head of all commercial operations of the group. His global networking & business development skills in overall business activities helped the group to create a niche in the international market and created a strong brand for its products.
Mr. Manish Sarda is the Dy. MD of SARDA GROUP, which has been actively involved in the manufacturing and trading of Power, Steel & Manganese Alloys since last five decades and has been an active participant in IFAPAs affairs for the last 20 years. He has presented several papers at various international and national seminars on the Steel and Ferro Alloys Industry. Through his various paper presentations he has been instrumental in globalizing Indian Manganese Alloys Industry in giving a global image and promoting the manganese alloys of Indian origin to more than 65 countries. He is also called by CNBC TV for his expertise in steel and alloys segment. He was also one of the members of Marketing & Communication Committee of the IMnI (The Apex body based in Paris for manganese business globally) for a long time.
Mr. Manish Sarda was in Sep 2017, unanimously elected as Chairman of Indian Ferro Alloys Producer’s Association (IFAPA), the India’s apex body for all Ferro Alloys producing companies in the country. Mr. Manish Sarda (42) is the youngest to be nominated as the Chairman of IFAPA. He was re-elected the Chairman of Indian Ferro Alloys Producer’s Association (IFAPA) in Sep 2019 & Sep 2021 and presently serving his third term as the Chairman of IFAPA.
Mr. Manish Sarda has been endeavoring during his tenure to involve all stakeholders in a harmonious manner and lay the roadmap for a sustainable Ferro Alloy industry which adopts best practices in energy efficiency and environmental compliance and also improve the understanding in Government bodies of the current and future support required form the Government for this critical and strategically important industry.