Assmang - Black Rock Mine Operations (BRMO) is one of two underground manganese ore mine operations in South Africa, mining both oxide and semi-carbonate ores.
Mining operations began in 1940, at the Black Rock hillock, and subsequently expanded to the Nchwaning mines and Gloria mine in the Northern Cape. Gloria (commissioned in 1975) and producing medium grade semi-carbonate ore. Nchwaning 2 and Nchwaning 3 (commissioned in 1981 and 2004 respectively) and producing various grades of high grade oxide ore. BRMO is currently producing 4.2 million tons per annum, the majority of which is exported.
Assmang’s well-established cooperation with Transnet in terms of the railway and port networks, makes it one of the most distinguished exporters in the world. Cargo is predominantly railed to Port Elizabeth and Saldanha Bay for export.
IMnI visitors will see the following:
Underground mining operations of Nchwaning 3, part of the Nchwaning Mine
Underground mining operations of Gloria mine