is a mining holding company engaged principally in ventures involving base minerals and metals. The company was incorporated in 1950 and its shares are listed on the JSE Securities Exchange (JSE) under “Assore” in the general mining sector until 2020 when they delisted.
The group’s principal investment
is a 50% interest in Assmang Proprietary Limited (Assmang) which it controls jointly with African Rainbow Minerals Limited (ARM). The group, through its various joint-venture entities and subsidiary companies, is involved in the mining of iron, manganese and chrome ores together with other industrial minerals and the production of manganese alloys. The group is also responsible for marketing all products produced by the Assore and Assmang groups, the bulk of which is exported and the remainder either used in the group’s beneficiation processes or sold locally.
Assore sponsored the IMnI 2022 Annual Conference which was held in Cape Town, South Africa.