Steven Vercammen (2022)

Manganese Institute - Manganese picture

Steven Vercammen is a knowledge expert in McKinsey & Company’s Belgium Office.  Since he joined in 2004, he has worked on steel and steel value chain related projects (carbon and stainless steel). Whilst early on focusing on operational improvement, market analysis (supply/demand) and technical benchmarking, in recent years Steven has specialized in sustainability topics related to the steel industry.

As part of the global steel industry dynamics knowledge, Steven is the global expert on steel metallics dynamics covering scrap supply, demand and pricing evolution and decarbonization. In addition, Steven is global research leader for steel and metals in general, responsible for proprietary knowledge assets linked to cost curves, demand, supply, capital markets and overall market dynamics. Some of Steven’s recent metallics an decarbonisation experiences include:

  • Author of 2 “China scrap” with papers covering 10-15 year outlook of China steel industry and the importance of scrap (industry structure, scrap availability and profitability) within the Chinese restructuring efforts to reduce steel capacity and shift from BOF to EAF.

  • China scrap-recycling industry overview: industry size and structure, performance and profitability and the effect of scrap prices on supply with deep-dive on scrap pricing mechanisms and minimum price levels.

  • Country specific scrap availability dynamics and future dependence on import: Top down assessment of future steel demand and production and the countries scrap needs combined with local availability and recycling efficiency.

  • EAF bottom up cost modelling for NAFTA region assessing the operational practices and VIU considerations for different metallic inputs as main cost driver for profitability assessment.

  • Scrap strategy for integrated steelmaker in the America’s

  • In depth analysis of short/long term future global metallics market (scrap/DRI) for steelmaking.

  • Decarbonisation framework for the steel industry, pathways to a carbon neutral steel industry assessing operational cost and long term investment capex plans.

  • Detailed modelling of carbon footprint for integrated steel mills covering scope 1, 2 and 3.

  • Assessing the future mid to long term options for Europe’s carbon emission ambitions combining scrap optimization, biomass usage and alternative iron making technologies.

Prior to joining McKinsey, Steven worked at the KU Leuven university as the “science engineering technology” group manager responsible for research strategy, educational programs and day to day management of all support functions. Steven has obtained a PhD in materials engineering (steel) from the KU Leuven and obtained engineering masters diploma from the university of Ghent in Belgium.