Navesh Ragoonanthun

Navesh started his career as a mining engineer at AngloGold Ashanti and thereafter at Rio Tinto, serving in various roles in underground and open pit production as well as mine design. Later, Navesh spent 10 years as a seasoned management consultant having worked at Bain & Co and Deloitte Consulting as an Associate Director serving the mining industry.
Navesh joined Transnet in March 2017 with the objective of connecting mining companies to the global platform through efficient rail and port solutions. He currently leads the portfolios of Iron ore and Manganese for Transnet. During this tenure, Navesh and his team have concluded formal contracts with all major manganese producers and implemented tools and systems for effective contract management. Supported by the business, manganese has become an important commodity for Transnet due to its remarkable year on year growth.
Navesh has a Mining Engineering degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, MBA from the University of Stellenbosch, and a Post Graduate Management Diploma from INSEAD in France.
Navesh gave a presentation at the IMnI 2022 Annual Conference in Cape Town, South Africa.