Manganese Carbon Footprint Methodology

Manganese Institute - Manganese picture
Mn carbon footprint

Guidance for Good Practices in the Calculation of “Cradle to Gate” Product Carbon Footprints for Manganese Alloys


This document provides guidance on best practices for calculating the "cradle-to-gate" carbon footprint of manganese alloys. It offers LCA practitioners a standardized methodology for assessing the climate change impact (CO2eq) of manganese alloys, covering raw materials such as manganese ores, sinter, silica, fluxes, remelts, and reductants.

While ISO 14044 outlines general life cycle assessment (LCA) principles, this document adapts those standards to meet the specific requirements of the manganese industry.

The guidance is further enhanced by a CO2 emissions calculator in Excel format, which can be made available upon special request.

The development of this guidance was supported by IMnI members from across the manganese alloys value chain.
