Compagnie Minière du Littoral (CML) just joined the IMnI!

Compagnie Minière du Littoral (CML) is a State-owned company of Ivory Coast, West Africa, founded in 2010 as part of cooperation with the Chinese State. Since then, CML has been developing the Lauzoua manganese mine located 200 km from the port of Abidjan and 187 km from the port of San Pedro. The operating permit covers an area of 100 km2 with a deposit extending over 14 km in length.
Its annual production is estimated at 700,000 tons of manganese ore with an average content of 36% Mn. The operations to strengthen and modernize production tools currently underway should result in increasing annual production to 1 million tons from the year 2025.
To date, CML has marketed, particularly, to the Chinese and Indian markets a total of around 4 million tons of manganese. The company is currently working to increase its share in these core markets and plans to enter the European, American and any other emerging markets through profitable and sustainable business partnerships.