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The International Manganese Institute (IMnI) is firmly committed to fostering responsible corporate citizenship among its members and stakeholders. Key priorities include keeping the IMnI members well-informed about best practices in occupational safety; ensuring compliance with environmental protection regulations, and encouraging responsible engagement with local communities, or environmental groups.

In 2015, IMnI completed its inaugural five-year HSE research plan with a €4.3 million investment, sodifying its position as the de facto standard-bearer in the Manganese industry. This milestone reinforced IMnI's role in delivering essential guidance, tools, and insights to help the industry anticipate health, safety, and enviromental demands, enhance worker protection, promote sustainability, and support profitability. Additional initiatives of this kind may be considered in the future.

Today, the IMnI empowers the Mn industry with the following capabilities:

  • Anticipate and monitor major regulations globally
  • Develop economically viable industry safety standards
  • Research and mitigate occupational health impacts
  • Assess and quantify environmental life cycle and risks
  • Promote knowledge-sharing and best practices for continuous improvement